Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update
Keep your Business one step ahead with Marketing and Design Support. With useful Links even whilst working from home.

Covid 19 Don't panic we have some marketing solutions to help your company in times like this

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update
Keep your Business one step ahead

This morning I overheard a conversation where a lady in near panic said “Everything is going to just grind to a halt”.

This got me thinking – in this difficult time we need to stay a step ahead of the Virus and minimise the disruption to our businesses and our lives. Help each other where and when we can.

It is important not to panic but to plan for different eventualities, be prepared with the right tools to drive your business and keep a step ahead. We have plans and tools that would be helpful for businesses of all sizes to maintain their marketing and continue to talk to their customers.

We are lucky to be able to continue our services without any disruption. We have an infrastructure where we are able to work remotely on projects for our nearby and worldwide customers.

For new and existing customers we can continue to work on projects without meeting face to face. Yes it’s lovely to meet people but sadly sometimes due to tight deadlines and distance we do not meet.

If you would like to find out more and discuss how we might be able to help please get in touch

It is hard to escape the misinformation so we have put together some useful links below:

GOV.UK Guidance for Employees, employers and businesses click here >

GOV.UK Advice for home isolation click here >

NHS.UK Stay at home advice click here >

GOV.UK Coronavirus (COVID-19): UK government response full page of all areas of Guidance click here >

Berkshire Healthcare NHS – Hand Washing Technique with soap and water PDF sheet click here >

NHS Video – Hand Washing Technique click here >

Age UK All about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) click here >

PDF sheet to print out and pass onto people self-isolating click here >

Link to download self-isolating pages (PDF)
Link to download self-isolating page ‘Someone in this house has a Weak Immune System’ (jpeg)
Link to download self-isolating page ‘We are self-Isolating Please Knock and leave deliveries’ signs 2 on a sheet (jpeg)
Link to download self-isolating page ‘We are self-Isolating Please Knock or ring bell and leave Packages’ signs 2 on a sheet with less information (jpeg)

If you have any suggestions of more useful links that would be beneficial please let us know.

It can be hard to focus with everything happening but we are here for you and hope we can support your business whatever the size.

If you would like to find out more and discuss how we might be able to help please get in touch